Lecture on the hyperbolic triangle groups¶
The hyperbolic plane¶
SageMath has some simple classes for working with hyperbolic geometry.
There are several models of the hyperbolic plane. We'll concentrate on the upper half plane. In this model, points are complex numbers $x+iy$ with $y > 0$.
UHP = HyperbolicPlane().UHP()
pt = UHP.get_point(1+I)
Point in UHP I + 1
The hyperbolic plane has a metric, and you can measure distances. For example:
pt1 = UHP.get_point(I)
pt2 = UHP.get_point(1 + 2*I)
If you are interested in a detailed understanding of this metric, you can look at one of the many books on Hyperbolic geometry such as:
- "Introduction to Hyperbolic Geometry" by John G. Ratcliffe
Mainly, we need to understand what the geodesics are: A geodesic is a distance minimizing path. In the upper half plane, geodesics are vertical lines and circles perpendicular to the $x$-axis.
geodesic = UHP.get_geodesic(pt1, pt2)
show(geodesic.plot() + pt1.show() + pt2.show(), axes=True, figsize=4)
complete_geodesic = geodesic.complete()
show(complete_geodesic.plot() + pt1.show() + pt2.show(), axes=True)
pt1 = UHP.get_point(1 + I)
pt2 = UHP.get_point(1 + 2*I)
geodesic = UHP.get_geodesic(pt1, pt2)
complete_geodesic = geodesic.complete()
show(complete_geodesic.plot() + pt1.show() + pt2.show(), axes=True)
Hyperbolic isometries¶
The Riemann sphere is $\hat{\mathbb C} = \mathbb C \cup \{\infty\}$. Any sequence of complex numbers $\{z_n\}$ that satisfies $\lim_n |z_n|=+\infty$ is said to converge to $\infty$. This makes $\hat{\mathbb C}$ a topological sphere.
A Möbius transformation is a map $\hat{\mathbb C} \to \hat{\mathbb C}$ of the form $$f(z) = \frac{az + b}{cz + d}, \quad \text{where } ad - bc \neq 0$$ where $a, b, c, d$ are complex constants.
So a Möbius transformation is determined by an invertible matrix $$M_f = \begin{pmatrix} a & b \\ c & d \end{pmatrix}.$$ Two invertible matrices $M_1$ and $M_2$ determine the same Möbius transformation if and only if there is a complex constant $\kappa$ such that $M_1 = \kappa M_2$. The map from matrices to Möbius transformation is a group homomorphism. That is, if $f_M$ denotes the Möbius transformation determined by $M$, then we have $$f_{M \cdot N} = f_M \circ f_N.$$
Möbius transformations preserve the collection of all lines and circles in the complex plane.
Important observation: When $a,b,c,d \in \mathbb R$, the Möbius transformation preserves $\hat{\mathbb R}= \mathbb R \cup \{\infty\}$. If in addition $ad-bc > 0$, then the upper half plane is preserved and $f$ is orientation-preserving. These are all the orientation-preserving isometries of the upper half plane.
isom = UHP.get_isometry(matrix([
[1, 2],
[3, 7]
Isometry in UHP [1 2] [3 7]
Point in UHP 1/58*I + 17/58
To see the
from sage.geometry.hyperbolic_space.hyperbolic_model import moebius_transform
mt(z) = moebius_transform(isom.matrix(), z)
z |--> (z + 2)/(3*z + 7)
1/58*I + 17/58
Here we check the statement above that $f_{M \cdot N} = f_M \circ f_N.$
var('a b c d e f g h')
M = matrix(SR, [
[a, b],
[c, d],
N = matrix(SR, [
[e, f],
[g, h],
f_M(z) = moebius_transform(M, z)
f_N(z) = moebius_transform(N, z)
f_MN(z) = moebius_transform(M*N, z)
z |--> (e*z + f)/(g*z + h)
z |--> (a*f + b*h + (a*e + b*g)*z)/(c*f + d*h + (c*e + d*g)*z)
eq = f_MN(z) == f_M(f_N(z))
Scaling maps:¶
A simple example of a hyperbolic isometry is given by a scaling map: $$f(z) = a z \quad \text{for some $a>0$}.$$
The standard rotation matrix is $$R = \begin{pmatrix} \cos \theta & -\sin \theta \\ \sin \theta & \cos \theta \end{pmatrix}.$$ Consider the associated Möbius transformation:
var('theta', domain='real')
f(z) = ( cos(theta)*z - sin(theta) ) / ( sin(theta)*z + cos(theta) )
We observe that $f$ preserves $i$:
In other words, we $f$ rotates the upper half plane about $i$. But how?
Now note that when $\theta=\pi$, we have $R=-I$. The associated Möbius transformation is $$f(z) = \frac{-z}{-1} = z,$$ so “rotating” by $\pi$ does nothing. More generally, you can see that the Möbius transformations associated to $\theta$ and $\theta+\pi$ are the same.
Now let us focus on the case when $\theta = \frac{\pi}{5}$:
rot = f.subs({cos(theta): QQbar(cos(pi/5)), sin(theta): QQbar(sin(pi/5))})
To see how it acts, consider the geodesic segment from $i$ to $2i$:
geod = UHP.get_geodesic(I, 2*I)
geod.plot(color='red', axes=True, thickness=3)
We add the image of geod
under rot
geod2 = UHP.get_geodesic(I, rot(2*I))
geod.plot(color='red', axes=True, thickness=3) + \
geod2.plot(color='orange', axes=True, thickness=3)
Sage's hyperbolic geometry package can also measure the angle between geodesics:
This angle is actually $\frac{2\pi}{5}$, as Sage can verify:
AA(cos(geod.angle(geod2))) == AA(cos(2*pi/5))
Here we plot the orbit of the segment geod
under rot
plt = geod.plot(color='red', axes=True, thickness=3)
pt = rot(2*I)
plt += UHP.get_geodesic(I, pt).plot(color='orange', axes=True, thickness=3)
pt = rot(pt)
plt += UHP.get_geodesic(I, pt).plot(color='yellow', axes=True, thickness=3)
pt = rot(pt)
plt += UHP.get_geodesic(I, pt).plot(color='green', axes=True, thickness=3)
pt = rot(pt)
plt += UHP.get_geodesic(I, pt).plot(color='blue', axes=True, thickness=3)
bool(rot(pt) == 2*I)
In general: The rotation matrix $R$ defined in terms of $\theta$ rotates the upper half plane by $-2 \theta$ about $i$.
Rotating about other points: If $r(z)$ is the Mobius transformation determined by the rotation matrix with $\theta$, and $f(z)$ is another orientation-preserving isometry of the upper half plane, then $$z \mapsto f \circ r \circ f^{-1}(z)$$ will be an orientation preserving isometry that fixes $f(i)$ and rotates by $-2 \theta$ about this point.
Furthermore: Suppose a Mobius transformation $f_M$ is determined by a real matrix $M$ with determinant one. If the trace of $M$ satisfies $$|\mathrm{trace}(M)| < 2,$$ then $f_M$ has a unique fixed point $z_0$. We also have that $|\mathrm{trace}(M)|=2 \cos \theta$ for some $\theta \in (0, \frac{\pi}{2}]$, and $f_M$ is a rotation by either $2 \theta$ or $-2 \theta$ about $z_0$.
Hyperbolic triangles¶
In the hyperbolic plane, the sum of the angles of a triangle is always less than $\pi$. In fact, given three angles, $\alpha>0$, $\beta>0$ and $\gamma>0$ with $\alpha+\beta+\gamma < \pi$, we can construct a triangle with these angles.
First just consider $\alpha$ and $\beta$ with $\alpha+\beta < \pi$. I will explain how to construct a family of triangles with these angles. Choose two vertices: $A=i$ and $B=ai$ with $a>1$. We'll carry this out with $a=2$ below. These two points produce a geodesic $\overline{AB}$.
A = I
var('a', domain='positive')
a = 2
B = a*I
AB = UHP.get_geodesic(A, B).complete()
Geodesic in UHP from 0 to +Infinity
Let us pick two angles:
alpha = pi/3
beta = 2*pi/5
bool(alpha+beta < pi)
We construct a clockwise rotation by $\alpha$ about $A$:
M_A = matrix(QQbar, [
[ cos(alpha/2), -sin(alpha/2) ],
[ sin(alpha/2), cos(alpha/2) ]
[0.866025403784439? -1/2] [ 1/2 0.866025403784439?]
r_A(z) = moebius_transform(M_A, z)
z |--> (0.866025403784439?*z - 1/2)/(1/2*z + 0.866025403784439?)
Then the segment $\overline{AC}$ will be:
AC = UHP.get_geodesic(A, r_A(B)).complete()
Geodesic in UHP from -sqrt(1.333333333333334?) + 0.5773502691896258? to sqrt(1.333333333333334?) + 0.5773502691896258?
Similarly, we want to construct a counterclockwise rotation by $\beta$ about $B$. We do this in two steps. First, we construct this counterclockwise rotation about $A=i$:
M_I_beta = matrix(QQbar, [
[ cos(-beta/2), -sin(-beta/2) ],
[ sin(-beta/2), cos(-beta/2) ]
[ 0.8090169943749474? 0.5877852522924731?] [-0.5877852522924731? 0.8090169943749474?]
r_I_beta(z) = moebius_transform(M_I_beta, z)
z |--> (0.8090169943749474?*z + 0.5877852522924731?)/(-0.5877852522924731?*z + 0.8090169943749474?)
Now we construct an orientation preserving isometry carrying $A$ to $B$. We can just use scaling:
M_f = matrix(QQbar, [
[ 2, 0 ],
[ 0, 1 ]
f(z) = moebius_transform(M_f, z)
z |--> 2*z
We get the desired rotation about $B$ by $f \circ r_{I, \beta} \circ f^{-1}$.
M_B = M_f * M_I_beta * M_f.inverse()
[ 0.8090169943749474? 1.175570504584947?] [-0.2938926261462366? 0.8090169943749474?]
r_B(z) = moebius_transform(M_B, z)
z |--> (0.8090169943749474?*z + 1.175570504584947?)/(-0.2938926261462366?*z + 0.8090169943749474?)
Now we can construct the line $\overline{BC}$:
BC = UHP.get_geodesic(B, r_B(A)).complete()
Geodesic in UHP from -sqrt(4.422291236000337?) - 0.6498393924658126? to sqrt(4.422291236000337?) - 0.6498393924658126?
Now we can construct the point $C= \overline{AC} \cap \overline{BC}.$
C = QQbar(AC.intersection(BC)[0].coordinates())
1.222304951605076? + 0.957792665958411?*I
Here we draw the construction:
point(A, color='red', size=40, ymax=2.5) + \
point(B, color='green', size=40) + \
point(C, color='blue', size=40) + \
AB.plot(color='black') + \
AC.plot(color='black') + \
Now we'd like to compute the angle at $C$, ideally in terms of $a$ because $B=a i$.
Observe that $r_A^{-2}(C) = r_B^{-2}(C)$. We are not doing exact arithmetic, but we can observe this below:
r_A_inv(z) = moebius_transform(M_A.inverse(), z)
z |--> (0.866025403784439?*z + 0.500000000000000?)/(-0.500000000000000?*z + 0.866025403784439?)
r_B_inv(z) = moebius_transform(M_B.inverse(), z)
z |--> (0.8090169943749474?*z - 1.175570504584947?)/(0.2938926261462366?*z + 0.8090169943749474?)
C_prime = r_A_inv(r_A_inv(C))
-1.222304951605076? + 0.957792665958411?*I
-1.222304951605076? + 0.957792665958411?*I
1.222304951605076? + 0.957792665958411?*I
C_prime = -C.real() + QQbar(I)*C.imag()
-1.222304951605076? + 0.957792665958411?*I
point(A, color='red', size=30, ymin=0.5, ymax=2.5) + \
point(B, color='green', size=30) + \
point(C, color='blue', size=30) + \
text('$C$', (C.real(), C.imag()), fontsize='large',
horizontal_alignment='left', vertical_alignment='top') +\
point(C_prime, color='blue', size=30) + \
text('$C\'$', (C_prime.real(), C_prime.imag()), fontsize='large',
horizontal_alignment='right', vertical_alignment='bottom') +\
UHP.get_geodesic(A, B).plot(color='black') + \
UHP.get_geodesic(A, C).plot(color='black') + \
UHP.get_geodesic(B, C).plot(color='black') + \
UHP.get_geodesic(A, C_prime).plot(color='black') + \
UHP.get_geodesic(B, C_prime).plot(color='black')
Then the composition $g(z) = r_B^2 \circ r_A^{-2}(z)$ fixes $C$. By drawing more triangles, we will see that $g(z)$ rotates by $2 \gamma$ about $C$. Consider the point $A'=g(A)$. Since $g$ is an isometry that fixes $C$, we the following distances are equal: $$d(A', C) = d\big(g(A), g(C)\big) = d(A, C).$$ Similarly, since $r_B$ and $r_A$ are isometries and $r_A$ fixes $A$ and $r_B$ fixes $B$: $$d(A', B) = d\big(r_B^2 \circ r_A^{-2}(A), B\big) = d\big(r_B^2(A), B\big) = d\big(A, r_B^{-2}(B)\big) = d(A, B).$$
g(z) = moebius_transform(M_B^2 * M_A^-2, z)
z |--> (-1.492769709905190?*z + 1.218673083624971?)/(-0.5053806964036059?*z - 0.2573110545856923?)
1.222304951605076 + 0.9577926659584104*I 1.222304951605076 + 0.9577926659584104*I
A_prime = g(A)
1.370688455396611? + 3.109272646885164?*I
point(A, color='red', size=30, ymin=0.5, ymax=3.2) + \
text('$A$', (A.real(), A.imag()), fontsize='large',
horizontal_alignment='left', vertical_alignment='top') +\
point(A_prime, color='red', size=30) + \
text('$A\'$', (A_prime.real(), A_prime.imag()), fontsize='large',
horizontal_alignment='right', vertical_alignment='bottom') +\
point(B, color='green', size=30) + \
point(C, color='blue', size=30) + \
text('$C$', (C.real(), C.imag()), fontsize='large',
horizontal_alignment='left', vertical_alignment='top') +\
point(C_prime, color='blue', size=30) + \
text('$C\'$', (C_prime.real(), C_prime.imag()), fontsize='large',
horizontal_alignment='right', vertical_alignment='bottom') +\
UHP.get_geodesic(A, B).plot(color='black') + \
UHP.get_geodesic(A, C).plot(color='black') + \
UHP.get_geodesic(B, C).plot(color='black') + \
UHP.get_geodesic(A, C_prime).plot(color='black') + \
UHP.get_geodesic(B, C_prime).plot(color='black') + \
UHP.get_geodesic(A, B).plot(color='black') + \
UHP.get_geodesic(A, C).plot(color='black') + \
UHP.get_geodesic(A_prime, B).plot(color='black') + \
UHP.get_geodesic(A_prime, C).plot(color='black')
Since $g(C)=C$ and $g(A)=A'$, we see that $g(z) = r_B^2 \circ r_A^{-2}(z)$ rotates by $2 \gamma$ in the clockwise direction about $C$. We can then figure out $\gamma$, because a matrix for $g$ is:
M_g = M_B^2 * M_A^-2
[ -1.492769709905190? 1.218673083624971?] [-0.5053806964036059? -0.2573110545856923?]
This matrix has determinant $1$:
And the absolute value of the trace is:
trace_abs = abs(M_g.trace())
This is less than two so we have:
gamma = arccos(trace_abs/2)
bool(alpha + beta + gamma < pi)
(alpha + beta + gamma).n()
Computation of $a$¶
Once we know $A=i$, $B=ai$, and the angles $\alpha$ and $\beta$ we get the point $C$ and the angle $\gamma$ as above.
If instead we are given $\alpha$, $\beta$, and $\gamma$, we can try to find an $a$ such that $A=i$, $B=ai$ and $C$ as above have the prescribed angles. From the above, we just need to check that $$|\mathrm{trace}(M_B^2 \cdot M_A^{-2})|=2 \cos (\gamma).$$
Here we carry out this calculation.
var('a alpha beta gamma')
(a, alpha, beta, gamma)
M_A_squared = matrix([
[ cos(alpha), -sin(alpha) ],
[ sin(alpha), cos(alpha) ]
[ cos(alpha) -sin(alpha)] [ sin(alpha) cos(alpha)]
M_f = matrix([
[ a, 0 ],
[ 0, 1 ]
M_I_beta_squared = matrix([
[ cos(-beta), -sin(-beta) ],
[ sin(-beta), cos(-beta) ]
[ cos(-beta) -sin(-beta)] [ sin(-beta) cos(-beta)]
M_B_squared = M_f * M_I_beta_squared * M_f.inverse()
M_g = M_B_squared * M_A_squared.transpose()
[ a*sin(alpha)*sin(-beta) + cos(alpha)*cos(-beta) -a*cos(alpha)*sin(-beta) + cos(-beta)*sin(alpha)] [-cos(-beta)*sin(alpha) + cos(alpha)*sin(-beta)/a cos(alpha)*cos(-beta) + sin(alpha)*sin(-beta)/a]
eq = M_g.trace() == -2*cos(gamma)
solution = solve(eq, a, solution_dict=True)
sol1 = solution[0][a].full_simplify()
sol2 = solution[1][a].full_simplify()
There is a solution with $a>1$ and another solution with $a<1$. (This can be seen geometrically. In fact the solutions have to multiply to one as we see below.)
Since we want the larger one, we choose the solution with the positive root.
(cos(alpha)*cos(beta) + sqrt(cos(alpha)^2*cos(beta)^2 - sin(alpha)^2*sin(beta)^2 + 2*cos(alpha)*cos(beta)*cos(gamma) + cos(gamma)^2) + cos(gamma))/(sin(alpha)*sin(beta))
def a_from_angles(alpha, beta, gamma):
return QQbar((cos(alpha)*cos(beta) + sqrt(cos(alpha)^2*cos(beta)^2 - sin(alpha)^2*sin(beta)^2 + 2*cos(alpha)*cos(beta)*cos(gamma) + cos(gamma)^2) + cos(gamma))/(sin(alpha)*sin(beta)))
a = a_from_angles(pi/2, pi/3, pi/7)
1.327275245711059? + 0.?e-18*I
We can also find the coordinates for $C$ using the algorithm above.
def C_from_a_and_angles(a, alpha, beta):
UHP = HyperbolicPlane().UHP()
A = QQbar(I)
B = QQbar(a*I)
M_A = matrix(QQbar, [
[ cos(alpha/2), -sin(alpha/2) ],
[ sin(alpha/2), cos(alpha/2) ]
r_A(z) = moebius_transform(M_A, z)
AC = UHP.get_geodesic(A, QQbar(r_A(B))).complete()
M_I_beta = matrix(QQbar, [
[ cos(-beta/2), -sin(-beta/2) ],
[ sin(-beta/2), cos(-beta/2) ]
M_f = matrix(QQbar, [
[ a, 0 ],
[ 0, 1 ]
M_B = M_f * M_I_beta * M_f.inverse()
r_B(z) = moebius_transform(M_B, z)
BC = UHP.get_geodesic(B, QQbar(r_B(A))).complete()
C = QQbar(AC.intersection(BC)[0].coordinates())
return C
A = QQbar(I)
B = QQbar(a*I)
C = C_from_a_and_angles(a, pi/2, pi/3)
0.4969704253951809? + 0.867767478235117?*I
C_prime = -C.real() + I*QQbar(C.imag())
point(A, color='red', size=30, ymin=0.75, ymax=1.5, xmin=-1/2, xmax=1/2, figsize=4) + \
point(B, color='green', size=30) + \
point(C, color='blue', size=30) + \
text('$C$', (C.real(), C.imag()), fontsize='large',
horizontal_alignment='left', vertical_alignment='top') +\
point(C_prime, color='blue', size=30) + \
text('$C\'$', (C_prime.real(), C_prime.imag()), fontsize='large',
horizontal_alignment='right', vertical_alignment='bottom') +\
UHP.get_geodesic(A, B).plot(color='black') + \
UHP.get_geodesic(A, C).plot(color='black') + \
UHP.get_geodesic(B, C).plot(color='black') + \
UHP.get_geodesic(A, C_prime).plot(color='black') + \
UHP.get_geodesic(B, C_prime).plot(color='black')
Drawing the triangle tiling¶
We will use Numpy and the Python imaging library.
import numpy as np
from PIL import Image, ImagePalette
First we must get our math in order. Pick three angles all dividing $\pi$ evenly whose sum is less than $\pi$.
alpha = pi / 2
beta = pi / 3
gamma = pi / 7
We then get points as above.
a = a_from_angles(alpha, beta, gamma)
A = QQbar(I)
B = QQbar(a*I)
C = QQbar(C_from_a_and_angles(a, alpha, beta))
C_prime = QQbar(-C.real() + I*QQbar(C.imag()))
We need to understand the boundary segments.
AC = UHP.get_geodesic(A, C).complete()
AC_endpts = [boundary_pt.coordinates() for boundary_pt in AC.endpoints()]
[-1.000000000000000?, 1.000000000000000?]
AC_center = CDF(sum(AC_endpts)/2)
AC_radius = CDF(abs(AC_endpts[0] - AC_endpts[1])/2)
AC_center, AC_radius
(-2.168404344971009e-19, 1.0)
ACp_center = -AC_center
ACp_radius = AC_radius
BC = UHP.get_geodesic(B, C).complete()
BC_endpts = [boundary_pt.coordinates() for boundary_pt in BC.endpoints()]
[-2.298908161200020?, 0.7663027204000064?]
BC_center = CDF(sum(BC_endpts)/2)
BC_radius = CDF(abs(BC_endpts[0] - BC_endpts[1])/2)
BC_center, BC_radius
(-0.7663027204000064, 1.5326054408000127)
BCp_center = -BC_center
BCp_radius = BC_radius
Consider the clockwise and counterclockwise rotations about $A$ and $B$ of angles $2 \alpha$ and $2 \beta$ respectively. These give rise to Mobius transformations. We give Python implementations so we can use them with Numpy.
cos_alpha = RDF(cos(alpha))
sin_alpha = RDF(sin(alpha))
def r_A_cw(z):
return (cos_alpha*z - sin_alpha) / (sin_alpha*z + cos_alpha)
def r_A_ccw(z):
return (cos_alpha*z + sin_alpha) / (-sin_alpha*z + cos_alpha)
M_I_beta = matrix(QQbar, [
[ cos(beta), -sin(beta) ],
[ sin(beta), cos(beta) ]
M_f = matrix(QQbar, [
[ a, 0 ],
[ 0, 1 ]
M_B = matrix(RDF, M_f * M_I_beta * M_f.inverse())
[ 0.5 -1.1494540806000098] [ 0.6524836552048288 0.5]
[ 0.4999999999999999 1.1494540806000095] [-0.6524836552048286 0.4999999999999999]
def r_B_cw(z):
return (M_B[0,0] * z + M_B[0,1]) / (M_B[1,0] * z + M_B[1,1])
def r_B_ccw(z):
return (M_B[0,0] * z + -M_B[0,1]) / (-M_B[1,0] * z + M_B[1,1])
scale = 100
width = 10*scale
height = 3*scale
rect_height = 2
rect_width = width/height*rect_height
y_ls = np.linspace(2+1/height, 1/height, height)
x_ls = np.linspace(-rect_width/2, rect_width/2, width)
xmesh, ymesh = np.meshgrid(x_ls,y_ls)
zmesh = xmesh + 1j *ymesh
array([[-3.33333333+2.00333333j, -3.32665999+2.00333333j, -3.31998665+2.00333333j, ..., 3.31998665+2.00333333j, 3.32665999+2.00333333j, 3.33333333+2.00333333j], [-3.33333333+1.99664437j, -3.32665999+1.99664437j, -3.31998665+1.99664437j, ..., 3.31998665+1.99664437j, 3.32665999+1.99664437j, 3.33333333+1.99664437j], [-3.33333333+1.98995541j, -3.32665999+1.98995541j, -3.31998665+1.98995541j, ..., 3.31998665+1.98995541j, 3.32665999+1.98995541j, 3.33333333+1.98995541j], ..., [-3.33333333+0.01671126j, -3.32665999+0.01671126j, -3.31998665+0.01671126j, ..., 3.31998665+0.01671126j, 3.32665999+0.01671126j, 3.33333333+0.01671126j], [-3.33333333+0.0100223j , -3.32665999+0.0100223j , -3.31998665+0.0100223j , ..., 3.31998665+0.0100223j , 3.32665999+0.0100223j , 3.33333333+0.0100223j ], [-3.33333333+0.00333333j, -3.32665999+0.00333333j, -3.31998665+0.00333333j, ..., 3.31998665+0.00333333j, 3.32665999+0.00333333j, 3.33333333+0.00333333j]])
in_quad = (np.abs(zmesh - AC_center) >= AC_radius) & \
(np.abs(zmesh + AC_center) >= AC_radius) & \
(np.abs(zmesh - BC_center) <= BC_radius) & \
(np.abs(zmesh + BC_center) <= BC_radius)
color = np.where(in_quad, np.uint8(1), np.uint8(0)) * \
np.where(zmesh.real >= 0, np.uint8(2), np.uint8(1))
array([[0, 0, 0, ..., 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, ..., 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, ..., 0, 0, 0], ..., [0, 0, 0, ..., 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, ..., 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, ..., 0, 0, 0]], dtype=uint8)
img = Image.fromarray(color, mode='P')
palette = [
0, 0, 0, # Each triple is the amount of red, green and blue
0, 0, 255, # as numbers 0 - 255 # RED
255, 255, 0, # as numbers 0 - 255 # RED
img_palette = ImagePalette.ImagePalette("RGB", palette)
zmeshr = zmesh.ravel()
(zmesh0 == zmeshr.reshape(zmesh.shape)).all()
num_steps = 10
for i in range(num_steps):
# Select entries with positive real part
# Update these entries by applying r_A_ccw
condition = (zmeshr.real >= 0) & (np.abs(zmeshr - AC_center) < AC_radius)
zmeshr[condition] = r_A_ccw(zmeshr[condition])
condition = (zmeshr.real >= 0) & (np.abs(zmeshr - BC_center) > BC_radius)
zmeshr[condition] = r_B_cw(zmeshr[condition])
condition = (zmeshr.real < 0) & (np.abs(zmeshr + AC_center) < AC_radius)
zmeshr[condition] = r_A_cw(zmeshr[condition])
condition = (zmeshr.real < 0) & (np.abs(zmeshr + BC_center) > BC_radius)
zmeshr[condition] = r_B_ccw(zmeshr[condition])
in_quad = (np.abs(zmesh - AC_center) >= AC_radius) & \
(np.abs(zmesh + AC_center) >= AC_radius) & \
(np.abs(zmesh - BC_center) <= BC_radius) & \
(np.abs(zmesh + BC_center) <= BC_radius)
color = np.where(in_quad, np.uint8(1), np.uint8(0)) * \
np.where(zmesh.real >= 0, np.uint8(2), np.uint8(1))
array([[1, 1, 2, ..., 1, 2, 2], [1, 1, 2, ..., 1, 2, 2], [1, 1, 2, ..., 1, 2, 2], ..., [0, 0, 0, ..., 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, ..., 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, ..., 0, 0, 0]], dtype=uint8)
img = Image.fromarray(color, mode='P')
palette = [
0, 0, 0, # Each triple is the amount of red, green and blue
0, 0, 255, # as numbers 0 - 255 # RED
255, 255, 0, # as numbers 0 - 255 # RED
img_palette = ImagePalette.ImagePalette("RGB", palette)
def draw_triangulation(n1, n2, n3, scale=100, ymax=2, num_steps = 30):
alpha = pi / n1
beta = pi / n2
gamma = pi / n3
assert alpha + beta + gamma < pi
a = a_from_angles(alpha, beta, gamma)
A = QQbar(I)
B = QQbar(a*I)
C = QQbar(C_from_a_and_angles(a, alpha, beta))
C_prime = QQbar(-C.real() + I*QQbar(C.imag()))
AC = UHP.get_geodesic(A, C).complete()
AC_endpts = [boundary_pt.coordinates() for boundary_pt in AC.endpoints()]
AC_center = CDF(sum(AC_endpts)/2)
AC_radius = CDF(abs(AC_endpts[0] - AC_endpts[1])/2)
BC = UHP.get_geodesic(B, C).complete()
BC_endpts = [boundary_pt.coordinates() for boundary_pt in BC.endpoints()]
BC_center = CDF(sum(BC_endpts)/2)
BC_radius = CDF(abs(BC_endpts[0] - BC_endpts[1])/2)
cos_alpha = RDF(cos(alpha))
sin_alpha = RDF(sin(alpha))
def r_A_cw(z):
return (cos_alpha*z - sin_alpha) / (sin_alpha*z + cos_alpha)
def r_A_ccw(z):
return (cos_alpha*z + sin_alpha) / (-sin_alpha*z + cos_alpha)
M_I_beta = matrix(QQbar, [
[ cos(beta), -sin(beta) ],
[ sin(beta), cos(beta) ]
M_f = matrix(QQbar, [
[ a, 0 ],
[ 0, 1 ]
M_B = matrix(RDF, M_f * M_I_beta * M_f.inverse())
def r_B_cw(z):
return (M_B[0,0] * z + M_B[0,1]) / (M_B[1,0] * z + M_B[1,1])
def r_B_ccw(z):
return (M_B[0,0] * z + -M_B[0,1]) / (-M_B[1,0] * z + M_B[1,1])
width = 10*scale
height = 3*scale
rect_height = ymax
rect_width = width/height*rect_height
y_ls = np.linspace(ymax+1/height, 1/height, height)
x_ls = np.linspace(-rect_width/2, rect_width/2, width)
xmesh, ymesh = np.meshgrid(x_ls,y_ls)
zmesh = xmesh + 1j *ymesh
zmeshr = zmesh.ravel()
for i in range(num_steps):
# Select entries with positive real part
# Update these entries by applying r_A_ccw
condition = (zmeshr.real >= 0) & (np.abs(zmeshr - AC_center) < AC_radius)
zmeshr[condition] = r_A_ccw(zmeshr[condition])
condition = (zmeshr.real >= 0) & (np.abs(zmeshr - BC_center) > BC_radius)
zmeshr[condition] = r_B_cw(zmeshr[condition])
condition = (zmeshr.real < 0) & (np.abs(zmeshr + AC_center) < AC_radius)
zmeshr[condition] = r_A_cw(zmeshr[condition])
condition = (zmeshr.real < 0) & (np.abs(zmeshr + BC_center) > BC_radius)
zmeshr[condition] = r_B_ccw(zmeshr[condition])
in_quad = (np.abs(zmesh - AC_center) >= AC_radius) & \
(np.abs(zmesh + AC_center) >= AC_radius) & \
(np.abs(zmesh - BC_center) <= BC_radius) & \
(np.abs(zmesh + BC_center) <= BC_radius)
color = np.where(in_quad, np.uint8(1), np.uint8(0)) * \
np.where(zmesh.real >= 0, np.uint8(2), np.uint8(1))
img = Image.fromarray(color, mode='P')
palette = [
0, 0, 0, # Each triple is the amount of red, green and blue
0, 0, 255, # as numbers 0 - 255 # RED
255, 255, 0, # as numbers 0 - 255 # RED
img_palette = ImagePalette.ImagePalette("RGB", palette)
return img
draw_triangulation(4,4,4, ymax=10)
draw_triangulation(2, 4, 5, ymax=10)
draw_triangulation(4, 5, 6, ymax=10)
Below, I save some of the images that are generated, at higher resolutions.
n1 = 4
n2 = 4
n3 = 4
scale = 400
img = draw_triangulation(n1,n2,n3, ymax=10, scale=scale)
n1 = 4
n2 = 4
n3 = 4
scale = 800
img = draw_triangulation(n1,n2,n3, ymax=10, scale=scale)
n1 = 2
n2 = 3
n3 = 7
scale = 400
img = draw_triangulation(n1,n2,n3, ymax=10, scale=scale)
n1 = 2
n2 = 3
n3 = 7
scale = 800
img = draw_triangulation(n1,n2,n3, ymax=10, scale=scale)
n1 = 3
n2 = 3
n3 = 4
scale = 400
img = draw_triangulation(n1,n2,n3, ymax=10, scale=scale)
n1 = 3
n2 = 3
n3 = 4
scale = 800
img = draw_triangulation(n1,n2,n3, ymax=10, scale=scale)
n1 = 2
n2 = 4
n3 = 5
scale = 400
img = draw_triangulation(n1,n2,n3, ymax=10, scale=scale)
n1 = 2
n2 = 4
n3 = 5
scale = 800
img = draw_triangulation(n1,n2,n3, ymax=10, scale=scale)